Week 6 is loading!
Thanks for a great day in Aledo and Weatherford yesterday! We appreciate everyone letting us come out again! We had a blast. We are still working on those games, and yes...I'm still working on a couple of photo day (team & individual) stuff. Lots going on...very little sleep!
With that, barring any really whacky weather, this coming Saturday we are taking a football weekend off to do photo day for the Cleburne Soccer Association. What does that mean??? Well, it means for you, since we are taking the weekend off, we are going to have a sale!
A SALE?!?!?! Yepp...a sale. For all orders over $25...take 25% off!
How long will it last???
Until we shoot another football game!
When will we shoot again?
Well, that all depends on the weather!!! Long range forecasts are calling for rain over the weekend. If that happens, then all $&^%^&* will break loose with our schedules anyway. But it also means, they don't cancel football games (well, unless there is a hurricane again), and we'll probably head somewhere (we know where, but unless it is raining, it won't matter).
So anyway...to recap:
$25 purchased online = 25% off from now until we shoot another football game! (Could be two weeks, could be a week...we just don't know right now!!!)
Thanks again! We do appreciate it!