is it really wednesday???
oh my...I haven't slept in a few days. I've got some cool announcements we are going to make toward the end of the week...but first, the most important of ALL announcements...
the online poster order form is NOW ONLINE!
Now...I'm not sure if we are really ready for posters until about the 18th or's the deal...the first FIVE people to order a poster online will receive $10 off!!! So get those orders in quick!!!
Okay...we had a request for our Wednesday contest for the week...(and by the way, it will last this week and next)'s what we need...
EYE BLACK! Yep..I need EYE BLACK! I KNOW you guys all take a lot of pictures at games. The more the better...and yes, we do encourage it! So, send me YOUR pictures from YOUR games this weekend with EYE BLACK...give me close ups...helmet shots, cheer, whatever. Key thing - EYE BLACK... extra kudo bonus points will go to anyone that has the store baught ones and writes "KI" on it in white or silver marker! We'll post them as we get them, and I'll let a couple of other people be our judges. Best one??? How about an 11x14 of a shot of your choice? Just let us know which one it is....
For follow-up on a couple of other contests....
Congrats to Shona Pappajohn for her Major 1 cheer girls and their car decor! Shona, it's up to you how you want to share it...but you are taking my Ipod shuffle! I'm sure we'll see you within the next week or two, or I can put it in the mail...your call!!!
And...kudos and some action shots go out to the Major 1 Brock Cheerleaders for this AWESOME signage!!!
With that, new news coming wtihinthe next few days...don't forget our sale!!!