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Sunday, September 7, 2008

Games are coming!

A quick 10:30 note...

For those of you looking for yesterdays games from Brock and Godley...they are in process. There will be more throughout the night. Normally, we like to get those up next day. However, today we did a team/individual shoot for Cleburne Cheer (which were AWESOME, btw), and two Cleburne Major teams (which weren't so bad either). Yes, that means we put the Cowboys game on the DVR, and then told everyone that if they told us about it we would either hurt them, or put a fake mustache on their kids pictures. Luckily, everyone respected that wish (or I'm just really BA!)

Anyway, we've watched the Cowboys game, and we are both working on your pics as we speak, and Krystal has two games up from Brock...I'm slow because I check emails and write blogs as I go. Part of the job I guess...but I don't ever sleep either. What to do?

And, since we are having to work on those action shots...for those that shot their photo day stuff today, don't get excited about a 1 week turnaround like we had at the first of the year...not sure if we'll be able to make that happen. We'll TRY though!!!

Here is one of her favorite shots she's seen thusfar...I guess it is okay...if you like high flying fast youth football action. So make her happy and send her a comment about how awesome she is so she can rub it in my face...

No really...it's okay! More photos uploaded soon!!!


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