One Week Left
All football / soccer photos from the 2008 season are coming down in exactly ONE WEEK! Be sure you let everyone know...if they want those shots, now's the time. There are no promises for them to return!
With that, we'd like to thank the Venus Youth Basketball Association for having us out last weekend for their photo day, and like to thank Lane Prairie Baptist Church for having us out yesterday for their photo day. Later today (Sunday) we are headed to Cleburne to do their youth basketball photo day.
Basketball is an interesting opportunity. Practice times, gym times, siblings playing all over the place. As many of you know, we've gotten away from the photo day "background"...everything is better in a natural envirnment. But, to get into a gym, even on Sunday, is crazy. Thanks to everyone who has worked so hard to make it happen.
Just an FYI - we are going to start securing baseball and soccer photo days in the coming weeks. If anyone would like a proposal, please contact your association's board members. We'd be happy to meet with them to meet your needs.
Also, we'll be changing parts of the webpage in the nearing weeks...I think you'll like the "new" look...our plash page is a nice sneak peak.
Glad to be back - thanks for reading!